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Insurance and Payment Options
Insurance will cover standard cataract surgery and a basic monofocal intra ocular lens (IOL). We now have the option to choose lenses that will allow freedom from glasses not possible with basic IOL’s, but currently, insurance will only pay for the most basic IOL.
Let’s face it: most of us don’t like to talk about money. However, none of us are immune to the reality of the effect of the dollar on our lives. We invest where we can and we generally spend our money on the things that mean the most to us.
What’s Your Vision Worth?
When it comes to our eyes and our health we all want the very best available. We know that vision correction or medical help with our eyes is not inexpensive, but we also know that its value is incredibly high. Your vision is used every moment that you are awake. A new car or truck is used for approximately 2 to 3 hours a day and is worth half of what you paid for it in 5 years.
Value vs. Cost
We see people every day investing in themselves by getting vision correction at Visionary Eye Doctors. Though the cost of procedures can vary depending on which one is right for you, we know that value matters more than cost. In other words, how much you get for what you spent matters more than what you spent. We aim to give you far more for what you spend at Visionary Eye Doctors than the cost of your surgery. It’s why we spend so much in technology and people to care for you.
Payment Plans
We have payment plans available that make Advanced Cataract Surgery and other vision correction surgeries affordable for almost everyone. We understand that you may be on a budget and it can be tough to come up with a “chunk” of money rather than paying overtime in bite-sized bits. That’s why we offer the following options to our patients. We want to make this as easy as possible for you because we know what a gift it is for so many people to be glasses independent!
CareCredit is a credit card for your health and beauty needs that lets you enjoy the benefits of living well today, with special healthcare financing options so you can pay monthly.
Premium lifestyle lenses offer a custom-designed vision option
The Visionary Eye Doctor approach to vision correction, from the college student to the greatest generation, is simple. The best technology offers the best information, but it is only useful when it is used to meet each person’s individual visual goals. Taking the time with each patient to decide what is best requires more than just the newest gadgets. It requires honesty, transparency, and genuine care for the people that walk through our door
For most of the history of cataract surgery over the last 50 years, there has been only one option for an intra-ocular lens (IOL). The plan for everyone, until recently, was just to get rid of the cloudy lens, (AKA cataract) and it was expected glasses were required following the surgery. Clear vision with glasses was the goal. People today were lucky enough to be born at the right time in history to have even better options than that.
Premium IOLs
These IOLs are used to provide patients with superb near vision to go along with their distance vision. In general, this option is best for those primarily concerned with fine near work (e.g. fine print, cross stitching, circuitry work), and who don’t have stringent requirements for night vision. For example, a jeweler whose livelihood is in the details of the very tiny and very near has different visual requirements than a pilot who flies primarily at night. Fortunately, there are IOLs created for all types of visual demands. We offer the best of them, and our surgeon will spend time with each patient who wants a Premium IOL to help decide the best choice.
Many brands of multifocal lenses have emerged in the market. At Visionary Eye Doctors, your surgeon will help you select the right lens that will best match your needs and lifestyle. (Link to Lifestyle Questionnaire)
The implantation procedure is the same for all types of lenses. The main point of differentiation between the lenses is in the type of vision they provide.
- Being able to see your world as well as you did when you were younger, without the help of glasses or contact lenses.
- Being seen the way you want people to see you. Youthful. Energetic. Vibrant.
- Being able to see the way you want to see. Near, far and all distances in between. Seamlessly. Effortlessly. Naturally.
Standard/Monofocal Lens Implants
Monofocal lens implants have been used for many years and are very effective at improving vision after cataract surgery. The monofocal lenses used at Visionary Eye Doctors are the most advanced in their category. However, they only have the ability to provide vision at one distance. If you wore corrective lenses (glasses or contacts) before your cataract surgery, you will most likely have to wear them full-time, especially for reading and intermediate vision after the surgery as well.
Standard/Monofocal Lens Implants
Monofocal lens implants have been used for many years and are very effective at improving vision after cataract surgery. The monofocal lenses used at Visionary Eye Doctors are the most advanced in their category. However, they only have the ability to provide vision at one distance. If you wore corrective lenses (glasses or contacts) before your cataract surgery, you will most likely have to wear them full-time, especially for reading and intermediate vision after the surgery as well.
Toric Lens Implants
For cataract patients who also have astigmatism, Toric Intraocular Lenses (IOL), offer a chance to enjoy quality distance vision with minimal need for glasses or contact lenses. Astigmatism is a common condition which occurs when the shape of the cornea, or clear surface of the eye, isn’t perfectly round. This causes the light that enters the eye to focus at two points inside the eye. This is easily corrected with glasses or contact lenses. However, when these eyes have cataract surgery the astigmatism will persist after surgery unless it is addressed at the time of surgery with either an additional surgical procedure or special lens called a Toric IOL.
A Toric IOL has the astigmatism correction built into the lens. After carefully examining your eyes and discussing the options with you, your surgeon will recommend the option he believes is best for you. Typically insurance does not cover the cost of these procedures or lenses so typically there will be an additional out of pocket cost to the patient.
During your consultation, we will do advanced diagnostic tests to determine which cataract surgery option would best suit your needs. There are varying reasons that determine the type of procedure we offer a patient. Since everyone’s eyes and visual needs are different, your surgeon will evaluate your eyes and inform you what your best option is. When a patient is interested in advanced laser cataract surgery, we perform more extensive testing to make sure the patient is a good candidate. One of the tests that we perform takes a high-definition picture of the back part of the patient’s eye known as the macula. The doctor will evaluate the health of the patient’s eye to see if a premium lens will be of benefit to the patient. We also perform a test known as corneal topography, which takes a topographical map of the cornea (front window of the eye) and maps out and quantifies your astigmatism. These tests allow the surgeon to see exactly which procedure will best benefit your eyes. The surgeon will also perform an additional advanced diagnostic test during surgery known as ORA Optiplus Refractive Analysis to pick the exact power of the lens implant that will be placed in your eye.
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Our goal is to improve your full range of vision, regain your quality of life and minimize or eliminate your dependence on glasses. Call us today at 301.896.0890, ext. ____ or click here to schedule a cataract consultation.